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Monday, February 23, 2015

Download MSActBackUp 1.0.4 Portable

MSActBackUp MSActBackUp

MSActBackUp 1.0.4 Portable | 2 Mb

Download MSActBackUp 1.0.4 Portable

2015, full version, 2014, serial numbers, cracks, keygen, warez, nulled, cracked, patch, key, activator, serials

MSActBackUp – a program to save and restore activation Windows editions: Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2 and Office 2010, 2013.

System requirements

Windows Vista, 7, Windows 8, 8.1, 10, Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012,

2012 R2, Office 2010/2013 any revisions.

**** The program does NOT require any version .NET Framework.

Press the corresponding button, check the keys that identify the programs, and if necessary, specify correct keys. When the button becomes active, saving activation is completed.

Restore activation

Go to the tab “Restore activation”, select the folder where you saved the activation and start the recovery process activation. If the recovery fails, try to restore activation with checking “Restore SoftwareProtectionPlatform”

To restore an online activation for Windows 8.1, proceed as follows:

1. Disable Internet.

2. Run as administrator file Restore_WPA.cmd. After his execution

the system takes to reboot, you must wait for the reboot.

3. Perform the restoring activation with checking “Restore SoftwareProtectionPlatform”

Changes in versions:


-Optimized code for restore activation functions.

-After checking “Restore WPA” you must click

“Restore Activation”.

-In the interface in English folder with preservation is created with the rules

of the English language: “=== ===”

-Improved Recovery WPA on Windows 7.

Download MSActBackUp 1.0.4 Portable

Download MSActBackUp 1.0.4 Portable

MSActBackUp 1.0.4 Portable | 2 Mb

2014, full version, warez, serial numbers, cracks, keygen, 2015, nulled, cracked, patch, key, activator, serials

Download MSActBackUp 1.0.4 Portable


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